It's not always easy to tell if someone is being genuine with you or if they truly don't have your best interests at heart. But it should be about connection, not conquest." Pickup artists are all about the latter. "There’s nothing wrong with learning to be a better, more confident dater. "A woman is a 'target,' an interaction is a 'set,' and he'll try to take her to a 'seduction location,'" he says. Typically, a pickup artist is a person who studies the art of manipulating women by using sophisticated tactics, lies, and psychological tricks to seduce them.Īccording to Barrett, a pickup artists see sex as a form of conquest, not connection. "Like narcissists and sociopaths, a pickup artist is all about using and exploiting others for personal gain," dating coach Connell Barrett, tells Bustle. In recent years, Strauss himself has called the techniques “objectifying and horrifying.” The book, which has been called a “ misogynistic pickup manual,” features dangerously manipulative tricks for men looking to get women into bed. Pickup artist techniques became pretty well known after Neil Strauss’s book, The Game: Undercover in the Secret Society of Pick-up Artists, became mainstream over a decade ago. But since they can also be effective, it's important to know how to spot them. Some of these pickup artist tactics can be fairly obvious. Pickup artists, for instance, make a game out of using certain techniques in their dating strategy in order to get targets to have sex with them. Sadly, not everyone you meet will have your best interests at heart.